Take a smooth ride with this folk-pop tune from the amazing guitars that paints a background, heavenly vocals and deep multi-interpretive lyrics to draw a face and give a give a heart up to the great cello to wrap this present in it's Sunday's best.

Created from nothing and made into something great - Explore this journey for making this release.
The music in this release has assed a lot of stages until getting it's final figure of form as a calm enchanting song.
The starting point was with Stephen James Orr with his guitar - forming a melody to be a part of his upcoming release and finally to be clashed with amazing artists to give colors and feelings into his songs.
This guitar was left to interpretive by an amazing vocalist by the name of Gisun, who draws slow and perfectly a song about the stage of grief.
The artists says that the words are open for everyone to take it where they can feel they can relate to them in their process of digesting pain and grief.
After reaching out to drummers and percussionists - who were left speechless, James decided on letting this perticular idea go and took a dicision of adding to the amazing package we got delivered, a cello, Played by Beth Silver who did an amazing touch to this tune - we get to have this release served for our ears to feast.

A little bit about Stephen James Orr
Toronto based musician, producer
and multi-instrumentalist has been giving us a glimpse of his talent with his musical taste after several debuts.
After an almost sold-out gig at Lee's Palace as the live debut of most of the songs from his upcoming album, we see great and amazing future yet to come for this talented artist.
Check out 'Wake Up' now in the link below and be sure to keep your eye open for more from Stephen James Orr :
● Stephen James Orr
SJO Linktree : https://linktr.ee/stephenjamesorr
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/stephen-orr-3
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4Smy9qar9j77qJrR0XJLJK?si=EMvE34MGTtKlwwrrcl4msg&dl_branch=1
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/user/stephenjorr/videos
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephenjamesorr/