A problem that gave me an option to write again about this amazing track that's been balsting my speakers for the last week - British Rock is better than ever and this will be you first song on your every playlist.

All good music has to come from a four-lads music combo, And thanks to that formula, We have Lapels.
Start rethinking for a second what you want to get from music and you'll get it on a silver plate with this banger.
From the rebellious verse that get's you the confusing feeling this is a song from AM but it's refreshing and new that you could never expect from a band not sponsored by on of the big 3 - But these three lads conquer this mountain like it's a piece of pie, served hot and overloaded with the rock amount you need for your daily consumption.
This song is going to get them very far very short, and with a capabillity to deliver such product, I see a bright future filled with sold-out stadiums.

A little bit about Lapels
Nottingham's brightest making a band out of four lads getting rock back into the mainstream of music - and a total blessing to spread great music to get people into rock.
Nathan, Andy, Will and Adam is a mix that just works.
Let them bless your ears and see this band rise above their goals fast - with this release leading the way.
Check out 'All Things Down to You' now in the link below and be sure to keep your eye open for more from Lapels :
● Lapels