The artist had an ideal she wanted the song to portray - That everyone that'll come across this song will have the chance to calm down and see that there's nothing wrong with catching your breath once in a while.

You are your own maker of your mind - therefor,
'Let Them Stare' !.
The song shed light on scenerios we all encounter when feeling a bit down, pushed around in life and running out of air while running in our minds creating havoc.
Having this song with multiple parts - is truely a creative gateaway for RALEÿELL to heal herself and others using her talent.
Starting the song in a music box is an amazing idea and while the song is 3:14 but can by heard for an hour - So do yourself a favour and take a ride.

A little bit about RALEÿELL
With three releases behind her, the Israeli based artist is thriving high in the Pop music culture.
Being a musician, together with leading a cause to help out the fans is by far the greater meaning of being a person of performance.
Check out 'Let Them Stare' now in the link below and be sure to keep your eye open for more from RALEÿELL :