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A Pointing finger towards Mental Illness with Shiah Maisel's 'Ruined My Life'

Mike Robert

Updated: Sep 22, 2021

We battle our inner demons daily - some more than others. Shiah's track with Coopex and EBEN is a future-bass trip down the singer's memory lane and experience fighting over control with inner devils.

The song is not less than mesmerizing - but wait until you dive into the lyrics.

Let your heart guide you through the runtime of this song and it'll help you understand the storyline of the lyrics.

On the one hand, the verses - which explains the stages of growing up into mental issues like anxiety and depression.

Where the first verse is divided into three sections - The 'before' of growing up where things were brighter and hopeful, where hope and help wasn't needed and it ends with the sentence 'I miss the days I wasn't afraid' welcoming you into the second part. This is where you are just learning how to live with yourself and get the judgement from eyes around you. and it follows into the third part where Shiah stretches a helping hand towards others who feels the same as he did - In a way, by my perspective, to prevent them from walking damned roads in their mind like he did.

The chorus is a blasting accusing hand, as much as a gun to gun face-off with his demons - Mature, Unafraid and ready to seal this book closed and move on.

The second verse sums up the bad decisions you'd take where dealing with these issues but in a heist kind of way, where you are yet to accept yourself with all your bad and good together. From drug abuse to beating yourself up about your way of living - Shiah really points his past in order for the message to spread wide, the message that you can not take your problems with ease, learn to love and accept yourself and know you are not alone.

The message is felt through the entire song and when it clashes with the amazing production job done here - this blast is a must have in your playlist.

Shiah Maisel

A little bit about Shiah Maisel

New York based Singer-Songwriter Shiah Maisel has started his journey in his current music direction back in 2020 with his single 'Living With Regret' with the Bass producer Roy Knox and from there Shiah went souring up with single after single (Over 40 in numbers). With over 335K followers on Instagram, Over 1 million monthly listeners and 25 million streams the singer is on his way to the top.


Check out 'Ruined My Life' now in the link below and be sure to keep your eye open for more from Shiah Maisel :

● Shiah Maisel


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