Talking about the falling of a relationship, we embark a trip down a common memory of sad love story we all lived and relived time after time.

An old approach with a young touch - Getting insperation from the oldies and pasting on the new.
Alex is on his way on making a reborn-genre of Pop music that has keys in it's core - Kind of like John Legend, Elton John and Billie Joel.
All together when the singer even sound like some of them combined, we get a musical wonder created on a simple piano that grows into a roaring Pop song.
As a part of his upcoming EP, which he worked on for 2 years, we are to learn about his new path through this new release - and a bliss for ears it is indeed.

A little bit about Alex Spinney
Learning to crawl was not long before this London based artist started his music passion, Learning to play piano only at 4 years old.
With a growing repertoire of songs, Alex is on his journey in making his change in this genre and I can't wait to hear more.
Check out 'I Remember' now in the link below and be sure to keep your eye open for more from Alex Spinney :
● Alex Spinney