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Old School Rock Is MAKING A COMEBACK - Check out Ghost XI's new release 'At The Door'

Mike Robert

It's like an amazing combination between Breaking Benjamin, Alter Bridge, Alice in Chains and so many others that are engraved in my music taste forever - THIS IS NOT A SONG YOU PASS BY !

Get Triggered for this old school rock's charm and fall into a repeat hearing of this gem.

Composed brilliantly, that's for short. If I had a task to do a one liner it'll be - 'Ghost XI is absolutely brilliant and can and will take the world by storm if they'd continue in this path'. The guitars, The drums, The riff, The swirming sounds, the lyrics, the vocalist - Everythings is just on point. The verses are wide and changing, keeping us on the edge of our seat. The chorus is chant-worthy and executed perfectly. And the bridge is just a bliss for all of us rockers out there.

Ghost XI

Check out 'At The Door' now in the link below and be sure to keep your eye open for more from Ghost XI :

● Ghost XI



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