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Embarking A Journey - Travel far with Drops of Indigo's new release 'Foreigner'

Mike Robert

Talking about the immense journey people are going for years and years now, the never ending story of being a new born-nationallity shifter person - Dive into the song dedicated for all the foreigners out there.

Soothing country folk music always calms pain - Combined together with a reason, a torch to hold, nothing tops that.

The song is talking about the journey the foreigners are walking on towards new home in search for a better future for their own self and family.

The uneasiness of the life on 'the-go' is not simple, and is not a choice you take lightly headed. The band gives you the feeling of being amazing by the adventure of living life different and the beautiful scenerio the songwriter creates inhances the respect and the adore to the unknown paths you can choose for you life.

Drops of Indigo

A little bit about Drops of Indigo

A six-pack of wonderful musicians takes another song to higher places with 5 releases behind them and one behind recorded as a full band.

The swedish based musical-group is combined with Dabbe Karlsson, Linda Kokaas on Vocals and Guitar, Mattias Söderberg headlining the lead guitar, Annika Fritzson playing the piano, Firas Almaari mastering the Drums and Adrian Keilty on the Bass.

Check out 'Foreigner' now in the link below and be sure to keep your eye open for more from Drops of Indigo :

● Drops of Indigo



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