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Crossing 'Red Line's Sounds So Good in KinetiX New Release - It's a must-listen for sure

Mike Robert

Three brothers from Ireland will make you in one song - Get hyped, Party hard, Sing along in your car and scream your lungs out when the break comes 'If you loose your cool baby I loose mine'. Yeah, hear it with your own ears and see it's contagious,

It's an amazing anthem that only on the third hear I got what the song was about ! Try listening now and come back when you're blown away.

The boys are getting you on the right foot and everytime you'll hear this song when it'll pop up in your playlist you'll be back in feeling empowered - and that's a special power this release has, and it holds it strong like a sword in the face of fear.

With an amazing production which is no less than top-notch quality, you get fast lyrics over big bass lines, a massive drop that'll leave a stadium holed by it's overwhelming energy.

The lyrics focuses on living and not being afraid of threats with a big middle finger towards everything you'll try and throw at this group of unbeatable trio.

Look at the artwork, you see that from head to toe this song is a smash and a must have - I'm not kidding, it'll get stuck in your head and you're going to love it.


A little bit about KinetiX

Irish based trio of brothers.

You have Theodore (vocals), Arthur (drums) and Ademar (keys/guitar).

They three first started out in the traditional Irish music scene and then moved on to making hits in the area of mainstream pop.

After great success in their past and present - These three is going to get very big and very fast.

Check out 'Red Line' now in the link below and be sure to keep your eye open for more from KinetiX :

● KinetiX

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