The vocals are an amazing job being perfectly done, together with the production creating like a new genre that was invented - But not as bright as this song succeeds.

It's like Pop but still Jazz, and still Rn'B - A Kudos here is mendatory.
The song is well written, it's catchy, easy and ear-grabbing - all thanks to the wonderful idea to take Pop music into the more acoustic, Tiny Desk Like. vibes which are captivating.
Geared with a guitar solo (Wait for it - it is worth it), the musician is delivering a top-shelf song - manifesting the music we both love and both has guilty pleasure hearing.
Take your nearest headphones and dive into this song in repeat - fall in love with a love of someone else.

A little bit about Belora
Can't get enough from the Australian musicians, including Belora, who is based in Sydney - never failing to empower my playlists with amazing and creative music.
Make sure you take three listens and give her a follow - This artist is going places.
Check out 'Dear X' now in the link below and be sure to keep your eye open for more from Belora :
● Belora